Detective Conan also popularly known as Meitantei Conan is the lead character in Japanese detective television series which was scripted and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama, which is screened as television series in the name Weekly Shonen Sunday and...
Father Brown
Father Brown is a fictional detective character created by G. K. Chesterton which gained a lot of appreciation from its readers. G. K. Chesterton is well known for writing various short stories and for creating the character Father Brown; he was...
Fu Manchu
Dr. Fu Manchu is a marvellous and intuitive fictional character, which for the first time featured in the series of novels written and published by English author Sax Rohmer in the first half of the 20th century. The doctor appeared in variety...
Goldy Bear
Goldy Bear is the name of a fictional character who is a good recipe maker, and incidentally who is also a private detective. His role as a caterer and detective is wall acclaimed and well- plotted. The character was the result of the creative...
Jessica Fletcher
Jessica Fletcher is a fictional character of the American television series “Murder, She Wrote” starring one of the most popular actress, Angela Lansbury. This television show was telecasted on CBS television network for the era of 1980’s and...
Kinky Friedman
Kinky Friedman was born with multi talents like singing, writing and politics. He was born on 1st November 1944 in America and his style of living was completely unique. He also fought elections for the Governor’s office and he received a total...
Lord Peter Wimsey
Detective novels are cherished a lot by the readers and this is the reason that writers like Dorothy L. Sayers became so popular among the people. Dorothy L. Sayers created a fictional detective character Lord Peter Death Bredon Wimsey which was...
Miss Marple
Agatha Christie is a well known crime novel writer who has created a very popular character named Jane Marple, popularly known as Miss Marple. Miss Marple is actually a fictional character who appeared in twelve novels written by Agatha Christie...
Nancy Drew
Nancy Drew is a fictional character of the mystery series created by Edward Startemeyer, especially for children and teens. All the books written by Edward clearly depict the changing American culture which is quite appreciated by the readers....
Paul Temple
Paul Temple was the famous British detective who first appeared in BBC serial and then moved on to films, televisions, comic strip and even in novels. The programs of Paul Temple were run on radio for almost 30 years and he had a huge fan...
Sarah Keate
Nurse Sarah Keate is the creative work of crime writer Mignon Good Eberhart. Keate is a nurse and an amateur sleuth, and the story belongs to the genre of novels Whodunits. Being the protagonist she is often helped in the solving the mystery...
Sexton Blake
Sexton Blake is synonymous as “the poor man's Sherlock Holmes.” He is a fictional detective who ruled British comic strips and novels during the entire 20th century. The adventures of Sexton Blake appeared more prominently in British and...
Simon Templar
Simon Templar, popular by the name of the Saint, is a British fictional central character which appears as the series in the books published by Leslie Charteris in the years between 1928 and 1963. The nick name Saint has gotten the connotation...
The Famous Five
“The Famous Five” is a well-known novel series about the five children who investigate several mysterious cases and solve the secrecy behind them. The series was written by Enid Blyton and it completely focused children’s interest. The first...
The Hardy Boys
The Hardy Boys are two fictional brothers created by Edward Stratemeyer that have appeared in several mystery stories. The two brothers named Frank and Joe Hardy are teenaged and have been materialized in different books ghost written by...
The Three Investigators
Three Investigators is a famous book series written by Robert Arthur Jr. where an investigative aspect is reflected brilliantly. The first published series was “Alfred Hitchcock and The Three Investigators” and the reason behind naming the book...