Benjamin Leighton aka “Ben” Matlock is a fictional detective character from the television series, Matlock. The role of Matlock is played by Andy Griffith. About his disposition, it is said that Ben Matlock is a simple and unaffected a defence attorney, who is known in his profession and far beyond that.
At times, you’d also find Ben Matlock a little crabby and irritable, but amongst all his good and bad disposition he is every penny worth of it. He is considered to be an expensive attorney, who charges $100,000 fee. Ben Matlock is known for many of his qualities and demeanour.
Like, he has unique intellect of appearing on the crime scene and collecting the clues which are otherwise overlooked or ignored by the investigative authorities.
Again, Ben Matlock’s unique down-home style of coming on the crime scene and passing on or discussing vague crime theories that particularly relate to the murder, are always talked about, and liked by his fellow professionals.
Often, if not always, Ben Matlock is found in his office enclosures busy playing banjo or polishing his shoes. He is the attorney who is a food connoisseur and love for hot dogs. Even in the busiest schedules of his assignment to tract down the murder, he’d never miss any moment to find out an eatery shop selling hot dog.
What’s more, you’d find Ben Matlock to have the fashion sense, which is unique in every way. And despite the fact that he is always charging high fee for his services, and his affluent wealth, Ben Matlock is usually seen following a low profile and menial life style. The lifestyle is least expected from Ben Matlock.
His love for the baseball during the school baseball events made him win many tournaments. Ben Matlock also registered a win in the 9th inning of his home run baseball tournament. After schooling, Ben Matlock worked for almost nine years prior to attending Harvard Law School.
When he joined the Law school, he was already of high age. He was not liked by his college mates, and above all one of the Ben Matlock’s classmates purposely kept him out of the Harvard’s Law Review. Ben Matlock finally graduated from Harvard Law School in the year 1967.
While attending Harvard Law School, Ben Matlock even once tried to leave the law school, to which his professor, Erskine Tate, threatened with a thrash.
However, when Ben Matlock graduated from the law school, Tate had become his favourite professor. He owed his law graduate degree to Professor Tate, and he remembered him all through his life.
Though, Ben Matlock solved many crucial and sensitive crimes, his first biggest case was to counsel and defend the case of Cyrus Jordan, who was accused of Sherrif’s murder in Mt. Harlan.
Cyrus’ case was the turning point for Ben Matlock, as he felt too monotonous playing the role of DA.
It is known that Ben Matlock’s wife expired long back, and he was survived by two beautiful daughters named Charlene and Leanne.
It is learned later that both became lawyers, and used to assist their father as and when the need arise.