Mac Taylor, played by Gary Sinise, is a popular fictional detective character of TV series CSI: NY. The last name of Mac Taylor has similarity with the name of other TV characters namely Lieutenant Dan Taylor from Forrest Gump.
Mac Taylor is the Head Investigator who belongs to New York Police Department’s CSI team. Father of Mac Taylor, Private First Class McKenna Boyd Taylor served US Army, and also played a key role in liberating the people from concentration camp that ran in Buchenwald.
One of the survivors from the concentration camp recalls the incidents when senior Taylor helped him to restore the self-esteem and also showed benevolent gesture by offering a candy bar to the person.
Taylor senior originally belonged to Chicago, but after his discharge from United States Marine Corps, he moves to New York, where he gets the rank of Major. Mac’s father now considers New York as his first home, and this is clearly depicted in his conversation with the colleague where he points out during the course of his chat that he’s glad to work in one of the finest cities of the world, and one of the finest countries of the world.
Mac Taylor is a man of substance and a finest detective. He follows through the evidence, and doesn’t give authority to his intuitive mind. Mac takes it quite differently from other detectives. He uses the intellect and evidence and gives every case a sensible ending.
Mac Taylor analyses every crime event through Veneziano’s theory of quantum physics. He strongly believes that every event is connected, and it is this connection that ultimately leads to solving the criminal case. Mac and his team members put together all the events and occurrence of those events in one line, and finally, as the result close down on the criminal and finally solve the case.
Mac Taylor’s life is described in detail in the episode 306, titled, “And Here’s to You, Mrs. Azrael”. Mac’s father was the victim of lethal small-cell lung cancer, who spent the last eight months of his life on the bed with a feeding tube put through the neck. As the result of his father’s suffering from the disease, Mac begins to believe that every human being on earth has the right by birth to lead a dignified life. In a way, Mac is both a good natured and understanding human being, backed by powerful intellect that quite obviously makes him the detective agent of his team.
Further taking a peep in his personal life, it is seen that Mac Taylor married Claire Conrad, but reared no children. However, Claire, through earlier marriage had child named, Reed Garrett. Mac describes the physical disposition of his wife Claire in a straight manner in episode 308, “Consequences” as 5’6, athletic, with light brown hair and big blue eyes. When Claire dies, Mac tries to get away from all the belongings and everything, directly or indirectly, that makes him remind of her.